Place born
Organisation / Person
1884-1991, button, badge and medal makers, Birmingham

J R Gaunt and Son Limited

1884 - 1991

1881-1952, manufacturer of measuring and testing machines, Leipzig, Germany

Louis Schopper

1881 - 1952

1888-1971, medical scientist; inventor, American

Rife, Royal Raymond

1888 - 1971

Wallis, Barnes Neville

1887 - 1979

active 1928-1954, laboratory apparatus; laboratory instrument maker, London, England

Griffin and Tatlock Limited

1889 - 1999

active 1887 -1920s?, manufacturer of leather goods, picnic baskets and silver, London, ENgland

Drew and Sons

1887 - 1935

active 1888-1930s, printer, Harrow; London

David Allen and Sons Limited

1888 - 1939

1881-1963, marine engineer, Scottish; British

Wallace, Sir William

1881 - 1963

1885-1888, shipbuilder, Belfast

Queen's Island Shipbuilding and Engineering Company Limited

1885 - 1888

1882-1970, physicist, German/Polish

Born, Max

1882 - 1970

1885-1953, artist, Russian, USSR

Vladimir Tatlin

1885 - 1953

1892-1978, locomotive designer, French

Chapelon, Andre

1892 - 1978

1881-1961, model-maker; amateur maritime archaeologist, British?

Naish, Francis Clement Prideaux

1881 - 1961

1891-1950, museum curator, then director of the Science Museum, British

Shaw, Herman

1891 - 1950

1896-1949, artist; illustrator, British

Carter, Reg

1886 - 1949

1892-1958, railway employee, British

Dodds, Harold

1892 - 1958

1886-1965, chemist; historian of science, British

Partington, James Riddick

1886 - 1965

1883-1965, artist; painter; poster artist, British

Turner, C. E.

1883 - 1965

Mather, Loris Emerson

1886 - 1976

Worcester, George Raleigh Gray

1890 - 1969

Sempill, William Francis Forbes

1893 - 1965

de Grineau, Bryan

1883 - 1905

Groves, Robert M.

1880 - 1920

Haldane, J.B.S.

1892 - 1961

The Machinery Trust Limited

1893 - 1903

Fleming, Arthur Percy Morris

1881 - 1961

Jefferson, Geoffrey

1886 - 1961

Mayo, Robert Hobart

1890 - 1957

Chadwick, Roy

1893 - 1947

Burney, Charles Dennistoun

1888 - 1968

Brown, Arthur Whitten

1886 - 1948

Marin, Eugene Gaspard

1883 - 1969

Craig, Elizabeth (MBE, FRSA)

1883 - 1980

Paulhan, Louis

1883 - 1963

Plenty & Son Limited

1890 - 1977

Gandolfi, Thomas

1890 - 1965

Baumann, Karl

1884 - 1971

Montaut, Marguerite

1880 - 1936

Alderslade, Esther

1888 - 1973

Hornbuckle, Thomas

1880 - 1958

Caunter, Frederick Lyde

1892 - 1903

Parke, Wilfred

1889 - 1912

Glover, Charles William

1891 - 1976

Appleton, Edward Victor

1892 - 1965

Partington, James Riddick

1886 - 1965

Taylor, Geoffrey Ingram

1886 - 1975

Smith, Frank Percy

1880 - 1945

Whitcombe, Harold Arthur

1883 - 1943

Robinson, Bernard A

1888 - 1979

Constantinesco, George

1881 - 1965